Obama’s brinkmanship with Putin… Madsen on Brennan, the Wahhabist mole in the CIA… much, much more…

…among our headlines of interest for December 2016 [updated Dec. 31]…

NBC NewsWhat Obama Said to Putin on the Red Phone About the Election Hack

“International law, including the law for armed conflict, applies to actions in cyberspace,” said part of a message sent over the Red Phone on Oct. 31, according to a senior U.S. official. “We will hold Russia to those standards.”

The timing is significant, coming three days after the reopening of the FBI investigation, but also – perhaps by happenstance – on the day of the Black Box Voting video release Fraction Magic (Youtube) demonstrating the ease of an election hack.  In the end, however, it didn’t happen, according to the White House…

Did the message work? “Look at the results,” said an Obama administration official. “There was nothing done on Election Day, so it must have worked.”

Wayne Madsen ReportDecember 21-22, 2016 — Obama’s Halloween scare for America: he threatened Putin over the “Red Phone” with war

Obama, according to NBC News, warned Putin personally against hacking Democratic Party computers during the G-20 meeting in China in September. When Obama, obviously urged on by Brennan, felt the Russian hacking was continuing, he sent a stark message over the Red Phone to the Kremlin, in part stating, “International law, including the law for armed conflict, applies to actions in cyberspace.” While Obama and Brennan continue to refuse to present to the public the contents of the CIA’s Secret report alleging Russian hacking of the DNC, they had no problem revealing that Obama almost pushed the nuclear trigger on Russia. Only a madman would resort to such action based on the flimsiest of intelligence from an Irish Catholic director of the CIA who felt it necessary to convert in the mid-1990s to the most radical sect of Islam, Wahhabism.

Obama sent his war message to Russia over a special email channel to reduce the risk of nuclear war resulting from cyber-security threats. The cyber-security email link was installed in 2013 as part of the hot line network linking by satellite the Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers in Washington, DC and Moscow.

The White House insists that Obama’s message to Putin sunk in, since the hacking is claimed to have ceased on November 8, Election Day. However, DNC acting chair Donna Brazile claims the hacking continued on Election Day and thereafter. If Brennan and his fellow war-mongers had actual evidence that Russia had been behind the hacks, then why do they continue to insist that the hacking stopped on November 8, when Brazile clearly claims they had not? The easiest explanation is that the Russian government was not the source of the computer hacking events and they were being carried out by some other party. Perhaps that other party wanted an Election Day war to begin with Russia, which would mean a declaration by Obama of a national state of emergency and a postponement of the election, as had occurred in New York City on September 11, 2001, the previous time the Red Phone was used by the White House.

From Madsen’s pithy comments page…

Russian military plane crashes in Siberia. After Obama’s threat to strike Russia in a cyber-attack, any airplane crash, train derailment, factory explosion, or other SCADA failure from now until January 20, 2017 can be suspected first as U.S. sabotage.

Christmas day…

RT92 dead as Russian plane carrying military band crashes en route to Syria


Terrorist act could not be behind Tu-154 aircraft crash – State Duma defense committee’s first deputy head
Netanyahu in telephone conversation with Putin extends deep condolences over Tu-154 crash
Tu-154 aircraft was technically sound – Russian Armed Forces’ aviation flight security service’s head
Sokolov explains wide scattering of crashed Tu-154’s fragments in sea with strong current
Tu-154 disappeared from radars two minutes into flight – Russian Defense Ministry
Dear subscribers, Merry Christmas!


TASSAll possible causes of Tu-154 crash being considered by Russian investigators

Certainly the Kremlin is not discounting Obama/Brennan’s unspecified threats, but they have not been the only ones tossing threats around. Russia was among the nations voting for Security Council Resolution 2334 (2016)

Middle East EyeUS abstains as UN Security Council passes resolution against Israeli settlements

FOX NewsIsrael accuses Obama administration of helping craft, push UN censure

DEBKAfileNetanyahu: Supporters of UN anti-Israel motion will pay a heavy price

There is a better case to be made for the charge that Israel has been “hacking” our democratic republic for many years. Or, Saudi Arabia – Madsen:

WMRDecember 19-20, 2016 — Saudi intelligence tried to toss election to Clinton

The General Intelligence Directorate of Saudi Arabia — known in Arabic as Ri’asat Al-Istikhbarat Al-‘Amah and the best-funded spy agency in the Middle East — is not very large personnel-wise but that is offset by its close alliance with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. And it is through that alliance and the presence of a pro-Wahhabist “Fifth Column” within the top ranks of the CIA that Saudi Arabia sought to tip the scales in the U.S. presidential election to Hillary Clinton.

It took years for Saudi intelligence to place one of its assets in close proximity to a Democratic presidential hopeful. For years, the Saudi leadership benefited from the personal relationship between its long-serving ambassador in Washington, Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and the Bush family. Bandar was so close to Presidents George H. W. and George W. Bush that the nickname bestowed on him by the Bush family was “Bandar Bush.”

Saudi intelligence’s top asset: Huma Abedin

Although the Saudis maintained a cordial relationship with Barack Obama, owing to the fact that his Kenyan father and grandfather were Sunni Muslims, although not of the Wahhabi sect, it was Hillary Clinton the Saudis had their eyes set upon for increased influence in America. The Saudis pinned their hopes on Mrs. Clinton’s close aide Huma Abedin. Although Abedin was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, she grew up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where her parents moved when she was two years of age. Huma Abedin lived in Jeddah to the age of 18. Her father, the late Syed Zainul Abedi, graduated from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) in Uttar Pradesh, India. In the early 1970s, he was a leader of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at Western Michigan University. Since that time, a Saudi Students Association has branched off from the MSA.

Many Aligarh graduates had and continue to have important jobs in Saudi Arabia’s business, oil, and banking sectors. From Aligarh’s alumni association (known as the Aligarh Old Boy’s Association) chapters in Saudi Arabia, Saudi intelligence was able to select assets with close connections not only in India but also in Britain. Syed Zainul Abedin had another specialty of great need to Saudi intelligence: expertise in Iranian history, religion, and culture. Such a talent would have been of primary interest to the Wahhabist Saudi intelligence service, considering its long history of conflict with the rival Shi’a Muslims who governed Iran and the competition between Saudi Arabia and Iran for control of the Gulf region.

Saleha Mahmood Abedin, Huma Abedin’s Pakistan-born mother, continues to hold the position of dean of the Dar al-Hekma college for women in Jeddah. Ironically, Saleha Abedin has defended the Wahhabist practices of female submissiveness, marriage of underage girls to older men, marital rape, public floggings and stoning to death for adulterous women, the ­circumcision of prepubescent girls, and the right of Muslim women to equally fight alongside men in Muslim jihads, or “holy wars.”

Saleha Abedin is also the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, a Saudi-supported periodical focused on the expansion of Wahhabist influence in countries where Muslims remain minorities, albeit growing ones. Huma Abedin was listed as an assistant editor for the journal from 1996 to 2008, which included her time working within the Bill Clinton White House and as a Senate assistant to Senator Hillary Clinton…

Saudi intelligence and CAIR

Saleha Abedin has carried the water for Saudi intelligence around the world. For example, she founded the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC) in Cairo. The IICWC has been at the forefront of pushing Egypt and other secular-inclined Muslim majority countries, from Turkey to Indonesia, to adopt sharia law. Saleha Abedin has also worked closely with the Saudi-financed Muslim pressure and lobbying group in the United States, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Among various Saudi donors to CAIR, including institutions associated with the Saudi government, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud kicked in $500,000 between 2002 and 2004. The United Arab Emirates, always cognizant of Saudi attempts to co-opt its own Wahhabist population, declared CAIR a foreign terrorist organization in 2014. The UAE move was to the chagrin of the CIA, which has acted as a close partner of CAIR under Langley’s Wahhabist sympathizer, director John O. Brennan, a former CIA station chief in Riyadh.

CAIR acts as a virtual propaganda arm for Saudi intelligence from its two main offices in the United States, one on Capitol Hill, from which it lobbies the U.S. Congress, and the other at the Interchurch Center on Riverside Drive in Manhattan, from which it targets the U.S. news media and the United Nations…

When one understands the relationship between CAIR and groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the marriage of Huma Abedin to uber-Zionist former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner, makes a world of sense. Through the Abedin-Weiner marriage, Israel’s Mossad was able to maintain a close eye on the inner workings of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and, if Mrs. Clinton won the White House, into the Oval Office itself. Unfortunately, for the Saudis, Weiner’s prurient sexual interest for underage girls, while completely understandable to the wretched human beings in the Saudi hierarchy, helped sink their chance for an ace asset in the Oval Office.

In 1996, Huma Abedin began working as an intern in the Clinton White House. It was not long before she attracted the eyes of Mrs. Clinton faster than Monica Lewinsky attracted the groping hands of Bill Clinton. While Mrs. Clinton’s closest adviser at the State Department, Huma Abedin had a unique window on the most secret aspects of American diplomacy, information that would have been highly-valued by Saudi intelligence.

The CIA’s functioning Saudi cell

Huma Abedin also had a fellow traveler in the CIA’s Brennan, who moved from the White House National Security Council staff to lead his old agency in Langley after General David Petraeus resigned in November 2012 amid a sex scandal. In recent years and to the delight of Saudi intelligence, the CIA saw a number of converts to Islam move up the ranks. These included “Roger,” the cover name for the CIA’s director of counter-terrorism, in reality Michael A. D’Andrea, whose portfolio included the agency’s drone campaigns in countries ranging from Libya and Somalia to Pakistan and Afghanistan. The converts, according to former FBI agent John Guandalo, include Brennan himself. Guandalo maintains that Brennan converted to Wahhabi Islam while he was CIA station chief in Riyadh in the 1990s. Brennan made the hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, a requirement for observant Muslims…

Foreign intelligence interference in Election 2016 was Saudi not Russian

Trump has good reason to doubt the intelligence about “Russian hacking” of the U.S. presidential election. What comes from Brennan in the way of intelligence bears the imprimatur of Saudi intelligence. The Saudis, more than any other country in the Middle East, lost out big with Trump’s upset victory over Mrs. Clinton. It took years for the Saudi intelligence service to place an asset so close to a former First Lady, U.S. senator, and presidential candidate. All the Saudi investments crashed with Clinton’s surprise defeat.

There was no better way for the Saudis to recoup their political losses than by having their chief asset in the CIA, Brennan, concoct intelligence about Russian hacking of Democratic National Committee emails and computer systems to taint Trump’s legitimacy as president-elect. Brennan is known as a difficult, to put it nicely, adversary within the U.S. intelligence community.

There is little doubt that the FBI director James Comey and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper were pressured by Brennan into agreeing with the CIA’s very dubious assessment that not only Russia but President Vladimir Putin were involved in hacking Democratic Party computers to throw the election to Trump. There is also little doubt that Brennan has been behind spreading malicious insider “gossip” about Trump’s National Security Adviser-designate retired General Michael Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Flynn was fired by Obama on the advice of Brennan. The Saudis, Brennan, and the Wahhabist cell inside the CIA did not care much for Flynn claiming that Obama and the CIA were nurturing and supporting the Islamic State cadres fighting in Syria and Iraq.

[image] Obama and Brennan, two jihadist sympathizers, will soon be gone from office

Flynn as U.S. National Security Adviser represents a nightmare scenario for the Saudis and their jihadist allies in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, including the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. The Saudis, through their agents and assets in the CIA, CAIR, and other organizations, want to make Trump’s presidency as difficult as possible. That is why Saudi friends like Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham are championing a U.S. commission, on the scale of the 9/11 Commission, to investigate Russian hacking of election-oriented computer systems during the campaign. Brennan, McCain, Graham, and other Saudi fellow travelers have one simple order from their Saudi intelligence masters in Riyadh: keep the investigation of election malfeasance focused completely on Russia…

December 20-21, 2016 — The CIA’s Saudi and Islamic State mole

There is a reason why Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan has done everything possible to interfere with President-elect Donald Trump taking the reins of the presidency on January 20, 2017. As a mole for the Saudi royal family and a convert to Wahhabist Islam, Brennan has no desire to see certain individuals, who are well aware of his Islamist beliefs, ascend to positions of power in the U.S. intelligence community. The greatest threat to Brennan comes from retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, tapped by Trump to become the National Security Adviser…

In 2014, Flynn was fired as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) by President Obama. Obama was advised by Brennan to dump Flynn because the DIA director was producing intelligence policy documents showing that it was a mistake and against U.S. security interests to support Syrian jihadists who were trying to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. For Brennan’s Saudi and Wahhabist controllers, this was tantamount to blasphemy.

Brennan blindsided the American people by claiming the Syrian rebel forces were “moderates.” Flynn countered Brennan in DIA intelligence reports by documenting how the majority of Syrian rebels were radical Islamists supported financially and militarily by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Moreover, Flynn maintained that “Turkey was looking the other way when it came to the growth of the Islamic State inside Syria.” Brennan was furious at his fellow Irish Catholic’s view of Syria and the Middle East.

The Saudis had carefully groomed Brennan ever since his days as CIA station chief in Riyadh in the mid-1990s. The Saudi King, as “Custodian of the Two Holy Shrines of Mecca and Medina,” arranged for Brennan, a convert to Wahhabi Islam while running the CIA’s Saudi station, to perform the “hajj” pilgrimage to Mecca. Only observant Muslims are permitted to visit the Al Kaaba Al Musharrafah (The Holy Kaaba) in Mecca.

Brennan tried to keep his conversion a secret. However, after 9/11, the FBI began investigating all Saudi links within the U.S. government. What FBI agents soon discovered was that the Saudis had key intelligence and religious assets salted throughout the U.S. government and, most troubling, within the CIA. One of the key Saudi assets was Brennan.

Brennan’s systematic “disposition” of his enemies

In March 2013, just prior to Brennan’s being confirmed by the U.S. Senate, former FBI agent John Guandolo confirmed that Brennan had indeed converted to Islam while he was the CIA chief in Riyadh. Brennan had previously served as Obama’s counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council. He was also in charge of the cleansing of the Obama/Dunham family passport files at the State Department in 2008 while CEO of The Analysis Corporation, a CIA contractor.

It was Brennan who helped cover up the Saudi government’s role in the Khobar Towers bombing in 1996, which killed 19 U.S. servicemen. As chief FBI investigator of the bombing, John O. Neill came across hard intelligence linking the Khobar bombings to the Saudi government. While not the only reason, it was a significant reason for Brennan to set O’Neill up in a briefcase theft caper before his retirement in 2001. O’Neill had just taken the job as head of security for the World Trade Center when the terrorist plot involving Saudi Arabia brought the towers down on September 11, 2001. O’Neill was killed in the collapse. Brennan fought strenuously against the release of the 28 classified pages from the Congressional Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.

Although finally released with redactions and Brennan’s acquiescence, the 28 pages, although highly suggestive of Saudi government involvement, could not be used as prima facie evidence to implicate the House of Saud. There is no reason to believe that what was released constituted the original text contained in the 28 pages. Brennan had every reason to tamper with the original pages in order to protect the Saudis, and by extension, himself.

As CIA director, Brennan would possess most of the keys to the U.S. intelligence kingdom. And Brennan’s kingdom would make America’s most closely guarded secrets available to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the world’s chief supporter of Islamic jihadist terrorist networks, including the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and numerous others.

To placate his Saudi masters, the Jesuit-educated Brennan opted to take the oath of office as CIA director on a copy of the secular U.S. Constitution, not on the Bible, as every past CIA director, Christian and Jewish, had done. One of Brennan’s first acts as CIA director was to ban the term “jihadist” to describe Islamist terrorists, preferring instead the word “extremist.” As a Wahhabi Muslim, Brennan understood that “jihad” is a term used in the Koran compelling observant Muslims to maintain and spread what they consider to be the one true faith in Allah (God). For Brennan to use the term “jihad” in a negative or pejorative sense would constitute “haram” or a “forbidden act,” according to the Muslim Koran and Sunnah religious texts. Brennan stated that any suggestion that the U.S. was at war with the religion of Islam was an affront to the faith, a comment spoken as a true Wahhabist believer.

Brennan’s climb up the ladder

Brennan worked his way up the ladder at the CIA after his conversion to Islam. In 1999, Brennan was appointed chief of staff to CIA director George Tenet. In March 2001, as final implementation plans were being laid to carry out the 9/11 attacks, Brennan became deputy executive director of the CIA. After 9/11, Brennan was in charge of identifying, renditioning, and “terminating with extreme prejudice” anyone who could track 9/11 planning and implementation back to himself, the Saudi government, and the Israeli Mossad — a key intelligence partner of the House of Saud. But Brennan’s top mission was to ensure that a CIA asset, long groomed by Langley for the White House, was elected president in 2008. Barack Obama, who was schooled as a boy in Jakarta in the Muslim faith and whose Kenyan father was a Muslim, was the “chosen one.” Obama was propelled to the national stage after the political careers of a number of Illinois politicians — Blair Hull, Jack Ryan, and finally, Rod Blagojevich — were trashed in a series of CIA dirty tricks campaigns.

From 2003 to 2004, Brennan was the chief of the CIA’s Terrorist Threat Integration Center. While there, and later, while Obama’s counter-terrorism chief, Brennan called the shots on CIA drone targets as the custodian of the “Disposition Matrix.” Systematically, any jihadist who could have blown the whistle on Brennan was summarily liquidated. As CIA director, Brennan continued to use the “Disposition Matrix” to terminate potential witnesses to his selling out to the Saudis.

After Nigerian jihadist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab — the infamous “underwear bomber” — tried to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 during its final approach to Detroit International Airport from Amsterdam on Christmas Day 2009, Brennan said U.S. intelligence agencies “did not miss any signs” that could have prevented the attempt. Brennan, again, was lying in order to cover up the fact that U.S. intelligence agents had cleared the Nigerian to board the flight without a passport by claiming he was a Sudanese refugee traveling only with refugee documents.

Abdulmutallab, known as “Farouk1986” on various Internet websites as a jihadist sympathizer, was already known to be a follower of American citizen and Al Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki, a one-time consultant to the Department of Defense. On November 19, 2009, Abdulmutallab’s wealthy Nigerian banker father had informed the CIA station in Abuja, Nigeria that his son had “extreme religious views” and that he was in Yemen. Brennan ignored the intelligence from Abuja and gave the green light for the young Nigerian’s trip to Detroit. The underwear bomber incident gave Brennan the justification to order another drone strike.

To clear the tracks away from Brennan back to Saudi Arabia and Al Qaeda, the CIA’s chief judge and executioner ordered a drone hit on al-Awlaki in Yemen on September 30, 2011, and his teenage son in Yemen two weeks later. These drone hits eliminated problems with two potential witnesses to Brennan’s treasonous activities. As far as Abdulmutallab is concerned, he is permanently incommunicado as a result of a four consecutive lifetime sentence at the federal Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado.

Character assassination of Brennan’s opponents in the Intelligence Community

To protect his Muslim identity, Brennan also set about to destroy troublesome opponents. Former FBI agent Guandolo was the first to receive Brennan’s thuggish treatment. Information was leaked that Guandolo had, during 2005, maintained an intimate relationship with a confidential source, Lori Mody, in the federal prosecution of Louisiana U.S. Representative William Jefferson. Although trial judge T.S. Ellis III ruled the affair irrelevant to the case against Jefferson, Guandolo was forced to quit the FBI after the leak about his past sexual affairs somehow landed on the FBI director’s office from Guandolo’s therapist’s office. Guandolo resigned from the FBI in 2009 amid a furor over his extramarital affair with Mody.

Apparently, the CIA continued to believe that breaking into psychiatrists’ offices was justified even after CIA agents had been caught doing it in the case of Pentagon whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg. After Guandolo, like Flynn, began warning about the jihadist threat, Brennan went on the warpath. Guandolo was cashiered as a result of the leak of therapist files to the FBI and Flynn was fired after he was tagged by Brennan as an enemy of Islam. When asked how the psychiatrist’s files ended up with the FBI, Guandolo stated simply, “it’s a lot simpler than you think.”

A declassified version of the DIA’s Secret report on the Islamic State, dated August 12, 2012, was unambiguous about U.S. — CIA and Obama — support for ISIL in Syria:


As the originating classification authority, Flynn had final say on what to release pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act filed by Judicial Watch with the DIA. And the fact that the above paragraph was allowed to be released, in full, sent Brennan and Obama through the roof. On April 30, 2014, Flynn was forced to retire, a full year before the end of his tour, from the U.S. Army.

Brennan began circulating rumors to Washington officialdom that Flynn was guilty of developing his own facts, dubbed “Flynn facts,” in intelligence reports. Brennan’s goal was to discredit Flynn’s and the DIA’s intelligence pinning support for ISIL and other jihadists on the CIA. A tip from Flynn’s predecessor, Vincent Stewart, to former Secretary of State Colin Powell intimated that Flynn was “abusive with staff, didn’t listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc.” It was information that Brennan used to convince Obama to send Flynn packing.

It was no coincidence that Guandolo and Flynn both ended up being described as hate mongers by the Zionist-run Southern Poverty Law Center, an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” designed to stifle free speech in the United States and an organization that has served the interests of the CIA.

The recent assassination of Russian ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov by an off-duty Turkish anti-riot police officer, who casually strolled into an art exhibit in Ankara, bears the markings of Brennan’s “Disposition Matrix.” Karlov served in Ankara since 2013 and his posting overlapped with Flynn’s term as DIA chief. It is known that Flynn, like Trump, sees Russia as an invaluable ally against the Islamic State and its major allies, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Brennan and his friends inside the Turkish dictatorship of Recep Tayyip Erdogan are trying to spin the story that the Islamist police assassin of Karlov, Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş, worked for the Fethulleh Gulen organization. Gulen is a moderate Muslim businessman-cleric living in exile in Pennsylvania who has been a fierce critic of the Islamic State and Erdogan’s alliance with it in Syria.

Although a past CIA asset, Gulen would have no interest in ordering a hit on the Russian ambassador. As a Saudi intelligence mole, Brennan does have a keen interest in the killing of Karlov. By assassinating Karlov, Brennan has driven a wedge in an emerging Russian-Turkish agreement to consolidate Assad’s control of Aleppo and bring about the end of Brennan’s jihadist army in Syria.

Brennan’s CIA Secret report on Russia influencing the 2016 U.S. election through a cyber-offensive warfare program is another product of Brennan’s attempt to deny the White House to Trump. Brennan understands that his Saudi masters are fretting over Trump’s presidency and his antipathy toward to Saudi and Gulf Arab states. Guandolo, who has found a home with some problematic characters, including generic Muslim-haters like Frank Gaffney and Pamela Geller, has stated that the Obama administration “intentionally” aided terrorists and has committed treason.

It is clear that Guandolo saw FBI raw intelligence on Brennan that would lead anyone to conclude that the Saudis and their Wahhabist imams have benefited from a major mole inside the CIA for at least two decades. And there is no telling what Flynn was able to gather on Brennan, especially while enjoying “all-source” intelligence access to signals intelligence intercepts from the National Security Agency, FBI field agents’ reports, and even CIA counter-intelligence reports on suspected moles within Langley. There is one thing for certain, Brennan is already destroying incriminating documents at CIA headquarters that could land him in prison for a very long time.

Digging deep into the WMR archive, the following, published early in the Obama administration, may indicate other document securing and/or purging operations which served to solidify Brennan’s position within the administration – not just those relating to torture, but perhaps more importantly, those relating to Obama’s passport…

April 16-17, 2009 — UPDATE 1X. Obama mulling disclosure of CIA torture documents while his terrorism adviser was involved with the torture policy

…Brennan’s firm, The Analysis Corporation, was one of two State Department contractors involved in the rifling of Obama’s State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs passport file on March 14, 2008. Obama’s file was also looked at by contractors on January 9 and February 21, 2008. There were some reports that Obama’s file had been first examined by unauthorized parties as early as the summer of 2007.

The other contractor involved in the breach was Stanley Corporation of Arlington, Virginia. The Analysis Corporation admitted that one of its employees was involved in the passport file breach but stated: “This individual’s actions were taken without the knowledge or direction of anyone at The Analysis Corp. and are wholly inconsistent with our professional and ethical standards.”

Brennan was the head of The Analysis Corporation at the time of the passport file breach by one of its State Department employees. The file on Obama contained scans of passport applications, date and place of birth, passport renewal information, court orders, arrest warrants, information on parents and their marriages, including to foreign nationals as is Obama’s case, and more interestingly, citizenship information.

Brennan happens to head up one of two companies identified in the perusal of Obama’s passport file. Brennan is then considered by Obama for National Intelligence or CIA director but Brennan withdraws over his involvement in the Bush administration’s torture policy. Then, Obama appoints Brennan deputy national security adviser holding the counter-terrorism portfolio. Brennan then leans on Obama to withhold significant portions of the Justice Department memos on the very policy Brennan helped to create and carry out.

Might have Brennan’s employee at State discovered something of interest in Obama’s passport file that would give Brennan effective veto authority over Obama on decisions affecting the CIA? Of course, blackmail has never been a tactic found in the CIA’s ample bag of dirty tricks.

One interesting footnote: At the time of the passport file breach, Obama’s spokesman Bill Burton, speaking for the Obama campaign, voiced the feeling that political dirty tricks were at play. If Obama felt that way, why did he then turn around and want to put in charge of the CIA or DNI the very person who headed the company that employed the person who had rifled through his passport file and the person who is now pressuring him to hold back on releasing Justice Department torture memos? More interesting, why was the head of The Analysis Corporation kept on as a chief campaign adviser to Obama while one of his employees was peering at the presidential candidate’s passport file? Although Stanley fired its two employees who breached the passport files of Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain, The Analysis Corporation employee was conveniently suspended but retained pursuant to a special request from the State Department until a full investigation could be completed.

See also our WxxxNews articles The Enhanced Interrogation of John Brennan and Compromised by Birth, the latter of which came (then unawares of the 2009 WMR article) after the release of Obama’s birth certificate in the spring of 2011 (just prior to the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden – another charade in which Brennan played a starring role, ref. The Guardian 4 May, 2011). Now, as something of a footnote to Obama presidency…

InfowarsSheriff Arpaio: Obama’s Birth Certificate Proven To Be A Fake 9 Different Ways

Washington TimesObama blames U.S. intelligence for missing rise of the Islamic State

Trump looking for moles?…

ReutersTrump team seeks names of officials working to counter violent extremism

Intelligence OnlineCIA braces itself for Trump

BloombergTrump Dissing Daily Intelligence Briefing Worsens Rift With CIA

Washington PostSecret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

Zero HedgeA “Soft Coup” Attempt: Furious Trump Slams “Secret” CIA Report Russia Helped Him Win

Town Hall (Dec. 14) – Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn’t Influence the Election

What’s more, Comey told Trump that James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, agreed with this FBI assessment.

The only member of the U.S. intelligence community who was ready to assert that the Russians sanctioned the hacking was John Brennan, the director of the CIA, according to sources who were briefed on Comey’s conversations with Trump.

Brennan turns the screws (euphemized as “strong consensus”) on Comey and Clapper…

WaPo (Dec. 16) – FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.

“The three of us also agree that our organizations, along with others, need to focus on completing the thorough review of this issue that has been directed by President Obama and which is being led by the DNI,” Brennan’s message read.

He certainly can talk like a Pollyanna when he needs to, i.e. after the failure of the constitutional coup attempt…

NPR (Dec. 22) – CIA Director Urges Caution In U.S. Response To Russia Hacking

“I don’t think we should resort to some of the tactics and techniques that our adversaries employ against us. I think we need to remember what we’re fighting for. We’re fighting for our country, our democracy, our way of life, and to engage. And the skulduggery that some of our opponents and adversaries engage in, I think is beneath this country’s greatness.”

What we get is a display of petulance…

RT96 Russians forced to leave US over diplomat expulsion – FM spokeswoman

And a measured response in the spirit of the season. Citing the Kremlin: Заявление Президента Российской Федерации

ZeroHedgePutin Stunner: “We Will Not Expel Anyone; We Refuse To Sink To ‘Kitchen’ Diplomacy”

Was it the Kremlin? Or its ousted allies in Kiev, remembering the U.S. sponsored coup of February 2014? Saying: what goes around comes around…

Wall Street JournalCyber Experts Cite Link Between DNC Hacks and Aggression Against Ukraine

Zero HedgeRussian Hackers Said To “Penetrate US Electricity Grid” Using Outdated Ukrainian Malware

The charges against Russia are however not undisputed from within the intelligence community…

Consortium NewsUS Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims

Craig MurrayThe CIA’s Absence of Conviction

Talk Nation Radio (Soundcloud) – Craig Murray: Russia Didn’t Do It

Daily MailEx-British ambassador who is now a WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails – they were handed over to him at a D.C. park by an intermediary for ‘disgusted’ Democratic whistleblowers

RTFBI sent planeload of agents to frame Assange in Iceland, got snubbed by minister


Global GuerrillasWARNING: An Electoral Coup is Underway

PoliticoClinton campaign backs call for intelligence briefing before Electoral College vote

Lessig: 20 Trump electors could flip

The HillElectors want briefing on Russian interference

Electors won’t get intelligence briefing: report

Zero HedgeReport: House Intelligence Committee Abruptly Cancels Briefing After CIA Declined to Attend

Another Day in the EmpireCongressman calls out CIA on its refusal to provide evidence on Russia election hack

Paul Craig RobertsA CIA-led Coup Against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes

N.Y. PostElectors are being harassed, threatened in bid to stop Trump

Nice try, but no cigar – as of 4:17 PM CST, December 19, Texas made it official: Trump received the necessary votes to assume the presidency on January 20, 2017, as 36 of the 38 Texas Electors cast their votes for Trump…

Texas TribuneTexas electors cast 36 votes for Trump, 1 for Kasich, 1 for Ron Paul

Voting for Kasich…

N.Y. Times (Christopher Suprun, Op-Ed) – Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump

Blackmail? – Looks like somebody called the bluff for him…

GotNewsEXPOSED: Anti-Trump Faithless Elector @TheChrisSuprun Paid For Ashley Madison While Bankrupt & Married w/ 3 Kids

In the end, however, there were more “faithless” to Clinton, leaving Colin Powell, who wasn’t in the running, to come in third with 3 Electoral votes…

The Olympian4 Washington electors pick candidate other than Clinton

And in a first for a Native American…

Seattle TimesMeet Faith Spotted Eagle, who received one Washington elector’s presidential vote

The attempted Electoral College coup was then as much a failure for Clinton and her allies as the recounts. The talking point among Trump supporters has been that Jill Stein, in challenging the results, must be an agent for Clinton; but there is nothing nefarious in the desire to audit and confirm the election process – see interview of Bob Fitrakis in the Columbus Free Press. Had the Trump camp not attempted to block it – with some success in doing so in Michigan and Pennsylvania – more irregularities may have been exposed. Though anomalies cut both ways – see Black Box Voting News Briefs – the net 131 gained for Trump in Wisconsin may have been supplemented elsewhere…

PoliticoTrump allies try to freeze recount efforts

Detroit NewsHalf of Detroit votes may be ineligible for recount

Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

The numbers coming from Pennsylvania have been unclear – initially Clinton was reported to have gained over 20,000 votes, though it has been claimed that most of these were due to an exorbitant percentage of the absentee ballots suspiciously coming in her favor (Gateway Pundit). As the recounts were incomplete, however, this issue is left unresolved. In any event, where gains for Clinton might have been expected, there was little…

Billy PennThe Philly recount is done, and it didn’t help Hillary much at all

Higgins News NetworkMilwaukee Wisconsin Recount Hillary Clinton Vote Fraud Anomalies?

Wisconsin State JournalCompleted Wisconsin recount widens Donald Trump’s lead by 131 votes

Lakeland Times (Minoqua, WI) – After the recount, the open-record requests begin

WSB-TV (Atlanta) – Georgia secretary of state says cyberattacks traced to DHS addresses

HNNGeorgia Finds 9 More DHS Attempts To Hack State Election System

On the dyslexia of history: in 1963 Louisiana was a hub of activities for the CIA’s Operation Mongoose, approved by President John F. Kennedy and supervised by his brother, Robert, whose object was the overthrow of Fidel Castro – by assassination if necessary. Castro survived the numerous attempts to kill him; Jack Kennedy however perished in a hail of bullets fired by Mongoose operative suspects in late November of that year. In late November 2016, Fidel Castro passed away from natural causes at the age of 90, subsequent to which a new Jack Kennedy defeated an opponent whose initials are F.C. to become the junior U.S. Senator for the State of Louisiana…

Times-PicayuneJohn Kennedy defeats Foster Campbell for Louisiana’s open U.S. Senate seat

N.Y. PostStudent arrested after bringing weapons into Trump Tower

TwitterCircling military plane leaves New Yorkers asking questions

DNAinfoMysterious Manhattan Military Flyover Was Trump Rescue Exercise: Sources

WISN (Milwaukee) – Black Panthers hold ‘human rights tribunal’ in Sherman Park

InfowarsTrumpocalypse? Suddenly Liberals Are The Ones Stockpiling Food, Guns And Emergency Supplies

It’s looking like 1920’s Wiemar Germany again: but instead of brown-shirts vs red-shirts, it is MAGA-heads vs snowflakes…


The_Donald (Reddit) – 4chan called it a day BEFORE it happened… “PIZZAGATE FALSEFLAG INCOMING” — “someone is going to attack either Alefantis or a podesta brother. The media will use this as a means to justify censorship. Screencap this post” – In case it goes away: WayBackMachine – The original but now 404’d 4chan post archived at 4plebs


Another lead in tracing the “Roy Cohn coup” (see our previous editions of Nov. 7, Nov. 18, Dec. 8). In the following (at time-stamp 39:50) Ed Opperman comments on Trump’s personal security chief Keith Schiller and his history with the NYPD and Blackwater…

Opperman Report (Spreaker) – PizzaGate Child Trafficking Allegations: William Ramsey & Kurt Richard Haskell

Rense (Yoichi Shimatsu) – PizzaGate Is A Giant Step For Investigative Journalism

In spring 2007 immediately before departing to Portugal to fetch a prize, Tony Podesta had purchased a 7-bath house with swimming pool in the Kalorama area of Washington D.C. for a mere $3.9 million. At exactly the same moment, for a cool $1.7 million, James Achilles Alefantis (the owner-operator of Comet Ping Pong Pizza) and his partner James Brock, the anti-Trump editor of Media Matters attack site, bought a 6-bedroom rowhouse in the same neighborhood as Podesta..

A few years later, in early 2012, while the British police were starting to trace the Maddie McCann kidnapping to America, David Brock paid an out-of-court settlement of $850,000 to an ex-lover named William Grey, who threatened to tell all to law enforcement authorities. To raise the money to silence what he called “blackmail”, Brock sold his house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, at huge profit for more than $1 million to a realtor in McLean, Virginia, where coincidentally the CIA Langley headquarters is located. Oddly, the new owner tore down the valuable house but did not erect another structure, leaving the expensive lot empty. So that raises the obvious question: Were their little bodies buried below the basement?

See FOX News of February 27, 2012 on the 850G settlement.

Voat (redberries) – Max Maccoby represented James Alefantis and David Brock for the $850,000 blackmail case

We have connected James Alefantis with wanted child-trafficker Laura Silsby

(ShockDoctrine101) – Clinton’s State Department Cover-up of Pedophilia

(LordFucker) – James Alefantis / Scott Driscoll – What. The. Fuck.

(redditsuckz) – Alefantis Kill Room Found – The Pajama Factory Same Brick Walls as Instagram Photos – Womans Body was found 2013

(spoor) – Alefantis’ project PEGASUS, summary and many new details including a pizzagate reaction by a PEGASUS employee and a voat site video report

(dontkillmehillary) – I know this might be obvious… but holy crap, they are moving them by BOAT

For continuous updates on human trafficking stories: Global Incident Map

(DominicTesla) – I Think I found the connection between the Norway Pedophile Network and the Clinton Foundation via HEAL AFRICA!!!

Nordic PagePedophile Abuse Network Operation “Darkroom” Shakes Norway

ExpressPolice fly to Falklands to help with historical ‘child abuse’ investigation

Daily CallerFBI New York Field Office Told To Continue Clinton Foundation Probe

Your one stop shop for all docs relating to Clinton Foundation: CF-GATE

FOX NewsFBI warrant released in Clinton email case

Washington TimesFBI feared Abedin’s laptop had been hacked, contained secret emails: warrant

A missing link found in a Sept. 5 Townhall story?…

Voat (doubletake) – Is Weiner’s Laptop the same laptop as Hillary’s Lost CF Laptop? Breaking News: Sept. 5.

WaPo (John Podesta) – Something is deeply broken at the FBI

Law NewzJohn Podesta: FBI Didn’t Tell Him About Hack Until After Emails Leaked

Who really cares what this doddering old creep thinks, but perhaps this is his last word…

The Bedford Pound Ridge Record ReviewMr. President, one more question

If the Democratic Party wants a future, here it is…

Congresswoman Tulsi GabbardRep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Legislation to Stop Arming Terrorists

Black Agenda ReportGabbard’s Law: To End War on Terror, Stop Arming Terrorists

And into the dustbin of history…

World Net DailyHillary pleads to dismiss Benghazi lawsuit

The often overlooked back story of Benghazi has been the arming of terrorists via a weapons pipeline from Libya to Syria, as facilitated by the CIA and Hillary’s State department. Only now is the mess they created being rolled back…

Middle East EyeAleppo fighting stops; residents prepared for evacuation

Fort Russ (translating Русская весна) – ALEPPO LIBERATED: Syria claims final victory, Assad congratulates troops

Moon of AlabamaMSM Create #Fakenews Storm As Rebel Aleppo Vanishes

Syria – Killing Journos Enabled “Media Activist” Domination – Intended Effect?

IndependentEgyptian police arrest five people for using children to stage fake ‘Aleppo’ footage

Fars NewsSo-Called ‘Aleppo Twitter Girl’ Has Nothing to Do with Her Tweets

21st Century Wire‘President’ Raed Saleh’s Terrorist Connections within White Helmet Leadership

At Least 14 US Coalition Military Officers Captured by Syrian Special Forces in East Aleppo Bunker

SeemorerocksThree intrepid heroines bring you the truth about Syria

The SakerThe second fall of Palmyra: what happened and how will the Syrian-Russian-Iranian alliance respond?

AntiwarUS Admits to Possible Civilian Casualties; 263 Killed in IraqFighting Resumes in Mosul; 106 Killed in Iraq – Triple Bombing in Mosul Suburb; 118 Killed in IraqBombers Targeting Baghdad; 41 Killed in IraqArtillery Fire Strikes Civilians in Mosul; 154 Killed in Iraq

Daily SabahTurkey seeks to end NATO patrols in Aegean Sea

The SunTERROR IN TURKEY At least 38 killed including 30 police officers by two bombs in ‘inhuman terror attack’ at Besiktas football stadium in Istanbul

Penny for your thoughtsIstanbul Bomb Blasts- TAK/PKK Takes Ownership

Centcom: US Backed SDF (90%+ Kurds) Initiate Next Phase of Raqqa Isolation (Annexation?)

AINATurkey Bus Blast Kills 13 Soldiers, Leaves Dozens Injured

Newsbud (Filip Kovacevic) – Russia-Turkey Work on Reconciliation, While Chinese & Syrian Nationals Acquire Real Estate in Moscow

ReutersRussia, Iran and Turkey to hold Syria talks in Moscow on Tuesday


Fort RussRussian Ambassador to Turkey shot dead in Ankara

Daily Sabah (via Twitter) – A gunman tried to enter the US Embassy in Ankara, police neutralised the attacker and took him into custody

Erdoğan says attack on Russian envoy provocation to harm Turkey-Russia normalization

Turkish MinutePro-gov’t media blame US, Gülen for assassination of Russian ambassador

Al MonitorErdogan accuses US, West of supporting terrorists in Syria

DEBKAfileRussian ambassador killed by Nusra jihadist

Jerusalem PostDoes the Arab world view Russian ambassador’s assassination as a trigger to a 3rd world war?

HurriyetRussia, Turkey and Iran agree on joint Syria action

IndependentSenior Russian diplomat shot dead in flat in Moscow hours before assassination of ambassador in Turkey

Middle East EyeRussia and Turkey’s future ties: Background of ambassador’s killer is crucial

Mosque attack: Zurich gunman wounds three

Truck ploughs into Berlin Christmas market, killing at least 12

Berlin Christmas market attacker ‘still armed and at large’ after suspect released

Die WeltLkw rast in Weihnachtsmarkt – Neun Tote – Polizei spricht von Anschlag

TelegraphBerlin terror attack: Tunisian suspect was investigated over earlier terror plot

The SunPATH TO JIHAD? Extraordinary picture shows ‘Berlin terror trucker arriving with other migrants on Italian island in 2011’ – as he is gunned down in Milan street shootout by rookie cop

IndependentSaudi Arabia and Gulf states ‘support Islamic extremism in Germany,’ intelligence report finds

IntelNewsGerman and British spy services in ‘biggest rift’ since World War II, claim sources

AFP (via Yahoo) – Putin urges Russian nuclear weapons boost

Donald J. Trump (Twitter) – The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes

The HillTrump shares letter from Putin: ‘His thoughts are so correct’

Strategic CultureUS Army Deploys Tanks to Europe Ratcheting Up Tensions with Russia

APRussia arms Serbia amid tensions with NATO

Baltic TimesEstonian embassy in Minsk becomes NATO Contact Point Embassy

TASSUkrainian forces prepare for launching offensive in Debaltsevo ― LPR

Alert 5Cockpit video of Ukrainian Su-25s firing Kh-25 air-to-surface missiles

Fort RussSudden Ukrainian offensive in Lugansk ends in heavy losses, retreat

(translating Новороссия) – Ukrainian troops shoot civilians at Gorlovka checkpoint, shell DPR positions

Novorossia TodayUkrainian hostile army shelled DPR territory 224 times

Caucasian KnotSix people killed in shootout in Grozny

Fars news AgencyCivil Defense Official Warns of New US Cyber Attack against Iran

Washington Free BeaconIran Stages Massive War Drills In Show of ‘Supremacy’

Intelligence OnlineSaudi Arabia tries to sideline Oman from GCC

Middle East EyeYemen on verge of ‘absolute collapse’ suggests report

Zero HedgeDid Satellites Expose A Secret American Drone Hangar In A Saudi Desert?

Indicating a continuity of the shift from “Gladio A” to “Gladio B” (as revealed by Sibel Edmonds in 2013 on the Corbett Report)…

N.Y. Times (AP) – Ex-Death Squad Hit Man in Spain Arrested in Jihadi Probe

For a more thorough treatment, see the Spanish language communist blog…

Odio de ClaseUn pistolero ultraderechista de los GAL detenido en Segovia por enrolarse en el ISIS

Japan Times (AFP/JIJI) – U.S. forces wrap up operations against Islamic State in Sirte

Malta IndependentHijackers surrender – PM; hijackers had identical ‘replica’ weapons – government

ReutersMalta hijack ends peacefully as Gaddafi loyalists surrender

Maghreb ConfidentialHaftar uses Moldavian airbridge

BloombergRussia Urges Libya Leadership Role for UN-Defying Military Chief

African AgendaFake Famine and Humanitarian Intervention in Nigeria

Le MondeBritish spying: tentacles reach across Africa’s heads of states and business leaders

West Africa NewsletterFrance trains African troops

TruthoutCommandos Without Borders: The US’s Elite Troops Partner With African Forces but Pursue US Aims

War is BoringHere’s a Snapshot of Some of the Pentagon’s Shadowy Wars

ThereAreNoSunglasses (citing Pakistan’s Express Tribune) – Russia Reports More Incidents of Outside Helicopters Rescuing Besieged Taliban

IntelNewsNew director appointed to head Pakistan’s all-powerful intelligence agency

Defense NewsDeal Breathes New Life Into France’s Space-Surveillance Radar

China.orgJapan covets PLA jets’ radar frequency amid harassment

RTPutin, Abe agree on joint Russia-Japan activities on Kuril Islands

US ‘ready to confront’ Beijing over South China Sea, as satellite photos show ‘militarization’

Alert 5 (translating 81.cn) – China says defense weapons on artificial islands are just slingshots

IndependentChina seizes US Navy underwater drone in international waters of South China Sea

ThereAreNoSunglassesChinese Navy Grabs Underwater Drone From USNS Bowditch, Caught Mapping S. China Sea “Battle Space”

ReutersChina returns underwater drone, U.S. condemns ‘unlawful’ seizure

China holds first live-fire drills with aircraft carrier, warships

FOX NewsChina flies nuclear-capable bomber in South China Sea after Trump Taiwan call, US officials say

Japan TimesMSDF spots China’s first aircraft carrier sailing into the Pacific

Press TVMinivan plows into market in Chinese capital, killing 4

South Korea’s Park Geun-hye goes down…

Yonhap News AgencyPassage of impeachment motion heralds another period of political turbulence

S. Korea checking report on Park’s letter to ex-N.K. leader

USFK commander says no delay in THAAD deployment

ReutersNorth Korea still struggling with nuclear missile re-entry: U.S. official

UPIReport: North Korea tested a sub-launched missile in December

Strategic Culture (Wayne Madsen) – The War Between Globalists and Populists

DWMacedonia: Ex-PM threatens foreign ambassadors, NGOs

teleSURWhy Are Venezuela 100-Bolivar Bills Accumulating in Colombia?

Venezuela to Close Colombia Border for 72 Hours to Combat Currency Smuggling

Trump Meets Mexico Foe Slim Over Dinner, Calls Him ‘Great Guy’

LiveLeakMassive fireworks explosion in Mexican market.

Fort Russ (translating РИА Новости) – Trump’s ExxonMobil CEO Secretary of State Pick Received “Order of Friendship” from Putin

N.Y. TimesI.M.F. Stands by Christine Lagarde, Convicted of Negligence

ReutersUkraine’s largest bank rescued by state, Poroshenko urges depositors to stay calm

Dutch court rules Crimean gold treasures must be returned to Kiev

ExpressMystery as NATO Auditor General is found shot dead in suspicious circumstances

Zero HedgeWall Street Reacts To The OPEC/NOPEC Deal: “Saudis Are Wrong To Think US Shale Won’t Respond”

Saudis Threaten To Move Aramco IPO Elsewhere Due To “Concerns” Over Trump, Sept 11 Law

AFP (via Yahoo) – Saudi Arabia lobbies US over 9/11 law

Florida BulldogNew FBI document shows active probe of support network for 9/11 hijackers in 2012

RTObama orders full Senate Torture Report kept secret for 12 years

ShadowproofObama’s Legacy: Institutionalizing Assassination Complex For Any President To Play Judge, Jury, And Executioner

Strategy PageSpecial Operations: More Mystery Options For JSOC

Capital GazetteFormer NSA head: Employees leaving agency for private sector

ReutersThyssenKrupp secrets stolen in ‘massive’ cyber attack

Zero HedgeBilderberg Website Taken Over By Anonymous Hackers

Another billion hacked…

Yahoo!Important Security Information for Yahoo Users

ReutersYahoo email scan shows U.S. spy push to recast constitutional privacy

GoogleSharing National Security Letters with the Public

Zero HedgeObama Quietly Signs The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Into Law

Daily CallerHuman Tracking Bill Passes House

FOX13‘MormonWikileaks’ website launched, seeking transparency in LDS Church

SputnikNewest Theory Says Lost City of Atlantis Located in Antarctica

Statesman Journal (Salem, OR) – Fukushima radiation has reached U.S. shores

APUN: Threat of a hacking attack on nuclear plants is growing

CERNALPHA observes light spectrum of antimatter for first time

One response to “Obama’s brinkmanship with Putin… Madsen on Brennan, the Wahhabist mole in the CIA… much, much more…

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